At first, you possessed me in pieces

At first, you possessed me in pieces.

The pungent smell of my body in heat, the taste of my lips on yours,

 The map of my naked skin,

 The low rumbling in my throat,

 The love that I could give you.


And then, your face shimmers above me like the moon,

I pull a shirt over my head and inhale your scent

My empty palms lie open upward to receive the weight of absent breasts.

I perform a geometric twist and surround the you

Who engulfs me in your depths.


I take root within your heart as you burst out from within my chest.

We are mutually implanted like conjoined twins

Siamese souls separated by time and circumstance

Now rejoined by stronger bonds

Which cannot break without destroying each or both.


Or so it feels to me, your far off twin who swims to you in dreams

And treads across miles to reach your door in giant steps

To knock for entrance to your self.

Or simply turn inward to see you huddled at my very core,

Arms outstretched for the love I seek from you.


And as you hug my spectral self I enfold you in my own embrace

And love me love me love me echoes from me to you and back

As we wordless speak, our mouths open as if straining,

Gasping for the breath to say again across all time and space:

Love I love, oh love me, Love!

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