I dreamt I was all nose sniffing at the air in search of love

I dreamt I was all nose sniffing at the air in search of love.

I smelled the crisp fruity odour of red apples and mangoes

The dripping juicy essence of berries and plums.


I walked down narrow paths strewn with cracking branches and crumbling brown leaves

The mint of evergreen pine and cedar,

The smoky draft of burning rubble and logs in fall.


I searched white covered fields that stung my nostrils with cold

The pure frozen scent of ice and water

The air empty of taste, the colour neutral.


I burst into spring and found your traces there,

The creamy yellow and white of daisies, dandelions and daffodils

The burning red of rose and the stirring up of sap as it rises in woody glens.


I tracked you here, where I hold you

Trapped in the new green grass that stirs up hunger

As if I could taste the very air.


Oh love!

There you are!

In the thick and musky violet of lilacs!

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